What programs are right for them?
As a decision maker, you need to ensure your facility/agency/region has the human resource capacity to provide the right high-quality care by the right person at the right time in a location that best serves the patient. Your people must have the knowledge, skills and judgement to use evidence-based best practice to deliver cost-effective, high-impact care that will save money and deliver the best possible outcomes. Equitable delivery of care is important to you.
The Wounds Canada Institute offers group discounts on all our programs. Please review the information below and/or check out the program list [link] then connect with us [contact info] to discuss how we can work together to select the best programs to meet your needs.
What programs are right for your staff?
The Wounds Canada Institute offers a wide range of programs that improve the level of staff knowledge, skills and judgement, at a very reasonable cost. Most are self-paced, online programs that provide convenience to the busy frontline worker, with the occasional scheduled webinar for interactive learning, and in some cases, hands-on skills labs. All are designed to build competence and confidence in your personnel, to improve not only patient outcomes but provider satisfaction as well.

General Wound Prevention and Management Programs
Our Best Practice Approach to Skin Health and Wound Management: Knowledge (A100MNN) program is ideal for nurses and allied health-care professionals who want a self-paced, interactive, online program to enhance their basic knowledge of skin health and wound prevention and management.
For those who want a more hands-on experience, the Best Practice Approach to Skin Health and Wound Management: Knowledge and Skills (A100NWS) covers the same material as A100MNN (above) but adds a one full-day on-site skills lab and a live 1.5-hour-long webinar.
For a deeper exploration, consider the Wounds Canada Institute Super Program #1 (FCM20512-C) (SHARP program), a self-paced, multi-faceted, comprehensive and longitudinal program delivered through 23 highly interactive online modules, eight synchronous webinars, two robust outcomes measures and participation in an asynchronous discussion forum staffed by interprofessional faculty.
Topic-Specific Programs
The Institute has a variety of topic-specific programs as well, which will suit your staff looking to improve their knowledge in particular wound-related topics, including surgical site complications, diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg ulcers, skin tears, moisture-associated skin damage, burns and more. The full list of topic-specific programs can be seen here.
Supervised Skills Practice
Hands-on learning in a safe, supervised environment is essential in health care, and the Institute recommends the following programs, each of which contains a day-long on-site skills lab, to support this concept: Best Practice Approach to Skin Health and Wound Management: Knowledge and Skills (A100NWS), Holistic Approach to Diabetic Foot Offloading: Knowledge and Skills (A108MWS), Focus on the Prevention and Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Knowledge and Skills (A101MWS) and Focus on the Prevention and Management of Venous Leg Ulcers: Knowledge and Skills (A105MWS). Note that each of these programs has prerequisites.
Tune-ups for More Advanced Learners
It is important to consider the professional development of even your most experienced staff, who might benefit from a refresher course or a skills lab to sharpen their practice and support their leadership activities. Additionally, Wounds Canada offers the Wound Care Champion Program, along with Wounds Canada conferences which are ideal for more advanced practitioners.
Programs for Care Aides
If you are responsible for staff working in home/community care, our popular Skin Health Program for Personal Care Providers program is ideal for your UCPs, PSWs, and care aides.
Programs for Primary Care
The Institute has two programs designed specifically for nurse practitioners, physicians, chiropodists/podiatrists and pharmacists: Wound Care for Primary Care Practitioners (B100NNL) and Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) for Primary Care Practitioners (B103NNL)
Please visit the Programs Overview page for details on program syllabi, prerequisites, hours required for completion, costs and certificates/CME credits/other accreditation.