Diabetic Foot Canada e-Journal (DFJ)

DFJ is a joint collaboration between Wounds Canada and the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. DFJ is an open-access online journal, and it accepts commercial advertising from industry. This innovative publication addresses an interdisciplinary audience of health-care professionals who care for people with diabetes, to support their practice and to improve patient outcomes. [insert eye-candy cover image [DFC2-3-v2-1-cover-image.jpg]

Advertising Rates

Single Purchases:

Full Page: $1800
Half Page: $1200
Quarter Page: $850

 [Contact us] to book ad space in DFJ or for more information.

The current DFJ rate card with information on publications dates, advertising rates and circulation can be seen [here]. [DFJ e-Journal Rate Card 2017 187r4E.pdf]

The latest issue of Diabetic Foot Canada e-Journal can be seen [here] [http://www.diabeticfootcanadajournal.ca/], and past issues can be seen [here] [http://www.diabeticfootcanadajournal.ca/archive/page/1]