
What are they?

Surgical wounds are the result of surgical procedures. Complications sometimes occur. These complications might include wound infection, bulging of the incision (hernia) or the incision opening up (dehiscence).

How can complications be prevented?

Prevention is the best way to avoid surgical wound complications. Going into surgery as healthy and prepared as possible is the best way to ensure prevention, but unfortunately this is not always possible.

What is the usual treatment for complications?

A health-care professional will follow the healing of your surgical wound. It may involve antibiotic therapy for infection or specialty dressings for dehiscence or herniation.

When should one seek professional help?

Any time there is an increase in pain, odour, swelling or wound size a health-care professional should be consulted.

Preventing Surgical Site Infections

Preventing Surgical Site Infections

From our popular Care at Home Series: This resource provides guidance on things patients and their care partners can do before and after surgery to help prevent infections and recognize the signs of infections if they do occur.

Prévention des infections du site chirurgical

Prévention des infections du site chirurgical

De notre populaire Série Soins à Domicile : Cette ressource fournit des conseils sur ce que les patients et leurs partenaires de soins peuvent faire avant et après l'opération pour aider à prévenir les infections et à reconnaître les signes d'infection s'ils se produisent