
What are they?

The body has several ways of notifying us if it is about to be injured. Your ability to feel a tingling sensation can let you know if a body part is not getting enough oxygen and tells you it is time to move or reposition to prevent skin damage. This allows the blood to flow to areas that may be under pressure, such as when you are sitting or lying for too long in one position. Persons with limited ability to feel this tingling, such as those with spinal cord injuries or diseases or individuals on medications that affect the nervous system, are at risk for pressure related injuries to the skin.

How can they be prevented?

Prevention of pressure related injuries is paramount.  If you know you have diminished sensation you need to be aware of positioning and use pressure relieving strategies to prevent skin breakdown.

What is the usual treatment?

Health-care professionals will support the use of pressure-reduction strategies and devices (such as special cushions or mattresses) to reduce the risk of developing a pressure injury. The wound will also need to be addressed and managed with guidance from a health-care professional.

When should one seek professional help?

Any time there is an inability to control the cause of the injury or an increase in pain, odour, swelling, or wound size a health-care professional should be consulted.

Preventing and Managing Pressure Injuries

Preventing and Managing Pressure Injuries

From our popular Care at Home Series: Do you, or someone you are caring for at home, have a pressure injury? Are you or they at risk of developing a pressure injury? This resource outlines the many things you can safely do to prevent a pressure injury from developing or to care for an existing pressure injury.

Prévenir et gérer les lésions de pression

Prévenir et gérer les lésions de pression

De notre populaire Série Soins à Domicile : Avez-vous, ou une personne dont vous vous occupez à la maison, une lésion de pression ? Êtes-vous ou risquez-vous de développer une lésion de pression ? Cette ressource décrit les nombreuses mesures que vous pouvez prendre en toute sécurité pour éviter qu'une lésion de pression se développe ou pour prendre soin d'une lésion de pression existante.

SSKIN Bundle

SSKIN Bundle

Step by step instructions for preventing and treating pressure injuries.

Pressure Injury (DIY Series)

Pressure Injury (DIY Series)

From our DIY (Do-It-Yourself) Series: Pressure reduces or stops blood flow to an area, causing the skin and underlying tissues to break down and a wound to occur. They occur most often in areas where the bone is close to the surface, such as the base of the spine, on the hips, over the ankles or on other vulnerable areas like the ears.