Product Pickers:
Set of Product Pickers – 8 ½” x 11” bi-fold brochure style dressing enablers that are the perfect combination of resources to help you in your wound dressing search and selection. To purchase a hard copy click here.
Wound Dressing Formulary

The Wound Dressing Formulary describes common wound dressings in generic categories and lists usage considerations. Available in French!
Formulaire des pansement pour plaies

Formulaire des pansement pour plaies décrit les pansements courants dans les catégories génériques et énumère les considérations d'utilisation.
Wound Dressing Selection Guide

The Wound Dressing Selection Guide helps users choose appropriate primary and secondary dressings based on common clinical situations and wound care goals. This enabler also gives users the opportunity to write in the brand names of products (next to the generic names) that are available to them in their workplaces making this guide even more useful! Available in French.
Guide de sélection des pansements pour plaies

Le guide de sélection des pansements aide les utilisateurs à choisir les pansements primaires et secondaires appropriés en fonction des situations cliniques courantes et des objectifs de soins des plaies. Cet outil donne également aux utilisateurs la possibilité d'écrire les noms de marque des produits (à côté des noms génériques) qui sont à leur disposition sur leur lieu de travail, ce qui rend ce guide encore plus utile !
Product Picker to Control of Venous Leg Edema

This product picker guide helps users choose the appropriate compression system for the reduction of venous leg edema.
Product Picker Skin and Wound Clean-up

This product picker helps users choose appropriate skin and wound cleansers as well as irrigating solutions. It also gives users the opportunity to write in the brand names of products that are available to them in their workplaces making this guide even more useful! This enabler also assists users to select the most appropriate debridement product and/or treatment method based on selected parameters.
Product Picker Offloading

The latest addition to our family of product pickers, the Offloading Plantar Pressures in Diabetes guide helps users choose the most appropriate offloading device for patients with plantar diabetic foot ulcers based on the needs of the patient, their wound and environmental and system factors.