Wounds Canada publishes two professional journals dedicated to the prevention of wounds and improving the delivery of wound care and limb preservation strategies across all clinical disciplines. The objective of our journals is to promote the sharing of interdisciplinary research and evidence-based knowledge, from clinical science, to advances in patient care, to public health and education.

Both journals are peer reviewed and published to the highest editorial and academic standards. Both journals are published in a digital-only format.

Wound Care Canada is the flagship magazine of Wounds Canada. It is Canada’s only publication devoted entirely to wound care and remains the best source for health professionals seeking credible information regarding wound management and prevention in clinical practice. Published twice a year, Wound Care Canada reaches a large and growing audience of health-care professionals, policy makers, people in industry, educators, patients, key opinion leaders and the general public. 

Summer 2025

Publication Date:  May 2025             Submission Deadline:  March 15 2025

Winter 2025

Publication Date:  December 2025     Submission Deadline:  October 15 2025

Limb Preservation Journal is an international journal dedicated to providing expert experiences and clinical insights, examining new procedures and technologies and promoting a collaborative interdisciplinary approach to limb preservation. A key objective is to help to translate the latest evidence into improved best practices.  Published annually with regular updates, the Limb Preservation Journal reaches a diverse audience of clinicians, researchers, educators and others working in this important area.

Publication Date:  April 2025                  Submission Deadline:  February 28 2025

We welcome original submissions from health professionals and other experts across the full spectrum of wound care and limb preservation. Typical submissions considered for publication will address:

    • Original research
    • Case reports
    • Perspectives in practice
    • Patient care
    • Innovations in wound care/limb preservation
    • Wound care/limb preservation dilemmas
    • Public policy
    • Letters to the Editor

Submission inquiries

If you have an idea for an article, please send a short concise overview to Major Publications Editor Ian Corks at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please include the following:

  • An indication of which journal the article would be submitted to: Wounds Care Canada or the Limb Preservation Journal.
  • A brief summary of the proposed article, along with the name(s) and credentials of the author(s). 
  • A list of resources, such as photos or illustrations, tables, charts, or sidebar materials, etc. You do not need to include the actual items in your proposal, just a list outlining what you have available to enhance the presentation of information in your article. 
  • An indication of the number of words you expect the article to be (please note articles for Wound Care Canada and the Limb Preservation Journal should not exceed 3,000 words). 
  • An indication of how much time you would need in order to have the article ready. We plan our issues in advance, so a lead time of six months or longer is common. However, we may also accept articles closer to publication if they address a theme or issue of significant importance to our readers.
  • Any social media handles you would like included when promoting the article.

Once you have submitted your idea, our editorial board will review it and you will be contacted regarding acceptance and potential next steps.  

Making a submission

Articles and accompanying materials (photos, illustrations, graphics, etc.) should be submitted to Ian Corks at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (our online submission portal is currently inactive). 

Please note the following:

  • Each submission must include the names and affiliations of all authors and the contact information of the principal author as well as an indication of which journal the submission is for: Wound Care Canada or the Limb Preservation Journal.
  • All articles submitted must be fully and properly cited and referenced as per standard medical/clinical journal practice.
  • All articles submitted should include a brief abstract (150-300 words).
  • Either PC or IOS format will be accepted.
  • Text embedded in PDF, PublisherTM, CorelTM or PowerpointTM files cannot be accepted.
  • Photos and illustrations embedded in WordTM, WordPerfectTM, PDF, PublisherTM, CorelTM or PowerpointTM files are not suitable for publication. To ensure the images are placed correctly, indicate clearly in the text document the position of insertion for each photo/illustration. Include captions/titles in the text document.
  • Photographs in digital form should be high-resolution (300 dpi) .tif or .eps files, saved at the anticipated published size. Files should be greyscale, RGB or CMYK colour-space. JPG format is acceptable if the files have been saved at maximum quality.
  • Illustrations should be IllustratorTM (.ai) or high-resolution (300 dpi) .tif or .eps files. Files should be greyscale, RGB or CMYK colour-space. JPG format is acceptable if the files have been saved at maximum quality.
  • All social media handles you would like tagged in article promotions.

Note: All images must be the property of the submitting author(s). It is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain any additional permissions that may be required. If the images depict any person, the authors must be able to demonstrate that they have received permission from the person(s) so depicted. 

Submissions with many files should include a summarized list of the file names. Please make sure file names are meaningful and easy to identify.

General information

Style: Both journals follow Vancouver Style and employ Canadian spelling as per the Oxford Canadian Dictionary of Current English.  For more complete information refer to the Wounds Canada Publication Style Guide.

Sidebars: Authors are encouraged to create summary sidebars for their articles. Our experience shows that our readers find the summary sidebars effective tools to help them use the information provided in the article effectively in their daily practice. These sidebars might contain a summary in point form of what the article is about, key learning points, how-to steps or other quick reference details.

Previously published articles: Wound Care Canada and the Limb Preservation Journal feature only original material and cannot accept articles that have been published elsewhere unless the information has been altered substantially in either form or content to the satisfaction of the Editor and/or Editorial Board.  By submitting an article the author(s) verify that it has not been previously published or is currently being considered by another journal. Author(s) in doubt about what constitutes prior publication should contact us to discuss further.

Permissions:  It is the responsibility of the author(s) to secure all necessary permissions for the use of third-party materials in the submitted manuscript.

Conflict of interest:  All authors must disclose any financial or personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence (bias) their work. Examples of potential conflicts of interest include employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, and grants or other funding. 

Selection process: All articles submitted will be reviewed and identified for publication by the Editorial Boards of Wound Care Canada. All articles are subject to content and style editing. Articles are not guaranteed to run in a specific issue or be published by a specific date.  Article selection and editing may take time, and we ask for your patience.  Please contact us at Major Publications Editor Ian Corks at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions or wish to discuss further.

Copyright: Wounds Canada assumes the worldwide copyright for articles and materials accepted for publication in Wound Care Canada or the Limb Preservation Journal, unless previously agreed in writing. By submitting an article, the author(s) accept these terms. Please note that Wounds Canada is dedicated to disseminating the best, most up-to-date educational information on wound prevention and management to health professionals. As such, our policy is to freely share published information for educational, non-commercial purposes. We are often asked for permission to reprint our articles in other publications. Permission is usually granted as long as the publication is deemed credible. Even though Wounds Canada holds the copyright, if a reprint request is made, the author(s) will be contacted as a courtesy. Wounds Canada does not sell or commercially license materials published in its journals.