The voice for people in Canada at risk of or living with wounds and their providers
A Canada where preventable wounds do not occur and persons living with wounds receive the best possible care
To build a healthier Canada by advancing skin health and excellence in wound management

Did you know wound care services cost the Canadian health-care system an estimated $11.1 billion each year? And did you know many complex wounds and amputations are preventable through proper education and health-care services?
Established in 1995, Wounds Canada is a charitable organization dedicated to the advancement of wound prevention and management. We accomplish this by advocating for a population health approach that promotes best practices to support persons at risk of or living with wounds, health decision makers and frontline clinicians. We develop and provide educational programs and resources as well as support research to further advance this holistic, risk-based approach. We foster relationships with interested individuals and organizations to expand and sustain a robust wound community in Canada that also has mutually beneficial global connections. Our goal is to reduce the prevalence and incidence of wounds of all types and the negative consequences they bring—including patient suffering and wasted health-care dollars.
Our partners in action are patients, caregivers, health-care providers, researchers, advocates, policy makers, industry folk and donors. Not only do we educate and advocate, but we also drive change and build community. We can imagine a future where the average person sees skin health as a holistic and important aspect of their health care. With your support, we're inspiring a system-wide shift towards prevention and education in wound care management.
Our Team
Meet the Wounds Canada team that's leading change in wound care prevention and management in Canada and working towards our vision of a Canada where preventable wounds do not occur and persons living with wounds receive the best possible care.
Committees & Partnerships

Wounds Canada is more than just an organization. We're a national and global wound care community. We have multiple stakeholders, committees, partners and communities of practice that influence our work and vision!
Wounds Canada Charity

At some point in your life, you or someone you love will be affected by a wound. Wounds Canada Charity is committed to raising funds to support wound awareness and prevention across Canada.
Our Board of Directors
Meet the Wounds Canada Board of Directors, a dynamic team of health-care providers, advocates and policy makers who are passionate about making a difference in skin health and wound prevention and management in Canada.
Leadership Initiative

Wounds Canada's Wound Care Leadership Initiative is designed to connect and integrate wound care leaders from across Canada into a shared community. Our integrated approach ensures that each leader has the tools and support to grow their leadership abilities.
Wounds Canada Institute

Through the Wounds Canada Institute, health-care professionals at all levels and in all disciplines can access flexible, interprofessional education that supports their learning needs and career growth.