Volume 15 No. 1Full Issue

News in Wound Care

Using the Wound Prevention and Management Cycle to Create a Professional Development Process
By Heather L. Orsted, RN, BN, ET, MSc

Canadian Education Programs in Wound Management
By Wounds Canada

Wound Credentialling in Canada
By Sherry Morrell, RN (EC) MN, NP-PHC, MClSc (WH), PhD candidate;Karen E. Campbell,RN, PhD; Valerie Winberg, RN(EC), MN, NP-PHC, ENC(C);Dave Walton, PT, PhD, FCAMPT; Pamela E. Houghton, PT, PhD

Education and Communication: Words Matter
By Sue Rosenthal, BA, MA

The Changing Face of Patient Education:Taking Charge of One’s Own Learning
By Barry Rosenthal, Professional Development Specialist

Self-management Support Perspectives from Two Sides
By Kathryn MacDonald, RD

How Many Wounds? Wounds Canada Research Committee Study to Determine Availability, Accuracy and Gaps in Existing Data on Prevalence and Incidence of Wounds in Canada
By Michael Stacey, MBBS DS FRACS; Nicola Waters, PhD MSc RN;Pamela E. Houghton,PT, PhD

A Pre-test/Post-test/Follow-up Test Teaching Tool
By Carol Ott, MD, FRCPC
